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Onondaga County, New York

U.S. Census

472,746463,920468,973458,336467,026476,516+1%Total population
10,3349,89512,00616,89716,52617,095+65%Self employed
130,253131,723124,222124,669134,972144,537+11%Not in labor force
36,37256,01468,546+88%Not in labor force, age 65+
36,28552,39272,64784,601101,182119,853+230%College educated
26.829.732.836.238.639.2+12.3Median Age
$3,598$7,286$14,703$21,336$28,596$39,371 Per capita income
$24,555$24,159$29,772$32,607$32,546$36,125+47%Per capita inc., CPI-U adj.
$10,836$17,574$31,783$40,847$53,593$71,479 Median household income
$73,952$58,272$64,357$62,425$60,995$65,586−11%Median house. inc., CPI-U adj.
5.9%9.6%10.3%12.2%14.3%13.9%+8.0Percent poverty
 Housing total

Density is 612.2 persons per square mile.
Land area is 778.4 square miles (498,182 acres).
Water area is 27.2 square miles (17,413 acres).

End notes

To allow meaningful comparison of dollar figures over time, U.S. Census CPI-adjusted dollar figures have been adjusted for inflation using the U.S. Bureuau of Labor Statistics CPI-U Consumer Price Index and expressed in 2020 dollars.

Some dollar figures provided by the U.S. Census are truncated to the top or bottom of the U.S. Census scale. For example, the 5-year ACS (2018–2022) median household income maximum is $250,000. This maximum was reached in Scarsdale, New York.

All demography data are from the U.S. Census

Starting in year 2000, the economic data are from the U.S. Census American Community Survey sampled 5-year average. For example, the 2010 data are from the American Community Survey 2008–2012 5-year average.

Due to the unusually high prison population in Adirondack Park towns relative to the rest of the country, the population figures for selected Adirondack Park towns have been reduced by prison population. This adjustment is to remove any distortion in demographic trends that are simply due to prison population. Starting in year 2020 federal prison population are counted as residents of their last address before prison and, thus, did not contribute to any adjustment.

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Revision: December 24, 2023 at 14:49
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