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Adirondack Research Reports

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Adirondack Park and Rural America, 3rd Edition

The third edition of APRA includes 2020 US Census data. All maps, tables, and numbers have been updated. This edition is “live”: Click on any town or any county in any map to display its Gazetteer page. Using your mouse, hover over any town or county in any map to display the underlying measure that determined the coloring of that town or county.

While this edition follows the general pagination and layout of the second edition, this edition will be updated with new analyses, maps, and tables.


The maps in Adirondack Park and Rural America, 3rd Edition are part of a larger collection of maps available here.


Click on any town or county in any map to reach the Gazetteer entry for that town or county. Reach the Gazetteer directly here.

30 by 30 Reports

View 30x30 analyses here.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2015–2024